Enrolments General Enrolment Form Child’s name Child’s first name* Child’s last name* Date of birth* Permission Do you give us permission to upload pictures of your child/children to the Bocskai Magyar Iskola closed Facebook group and Bocskai website? We only use this group to share special moments and news with parents.* Yes No Child’s details Year level in dayschool* Please select...KindergardenPre-schoolYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 Day school attended* Child’s visa status* Please select...Australian CitizenPermanent ResidentTemporary What language do you prefer the school communicates with you?* Please select...HungarianEnglish Parent/guardian’s #1 details Parent/guardian’s #1 full name* Parent/guardian’s #1 mobile number* Parent/guardian’s #1 home address* Parent/guardian’s #1 email* Parent/guardian’s #2 details Parent/guardian’s #2 full name* Parent/guardian’s #2 mobile number* Parent/guardian’s #2 home address* Parent/guardian’s #2 email* School fee School fee depends on the number of children attending the school from the same family. We offer discount for families with two or more children. School fee in 2024 as follows: 1 child $450, 2 children $650, 3 children $850, 4 children $1100. Please transfer full school fee by 31st January. We also offer to pay in two instalments. First instalment by 31st January and second instalment by 29th April. School's bank details could be found at the bottom of this page. How do you wish to make payment?* Please select...Paying in full by 31 JanuaryIn two instalments by 31 Jan & 29 April Values of Christianity Our school is part of the community of the Hungarian Reformed Church in North Fitzroy. We share the values of Christianity. Our classes are held on Sundays fortnightly, between 9am and 12:30 pm in the Bocskai Hall. - 9:00 -10:20 Hungarian class session (Kindergarten group starts at 9:30) - 10:20 - 10:35 break - 10:35 - 11:30 Hungarian class session - 11:30 - 12:00 religious class session and church service -12:00-12:30 school community building activities (music, traditions, Hungarian culture) The school and the church community invites the parents to attend church services at least on Hungarian national days (15 March, 20 August, 23 October, Christmas), and encourages them to attend church services on other occasions as far as possible.* Please select...I have read and understood the school schedule. Information handling The information about your child and family collected through this enrolment form will only be shared with school staff who need to know to enable the community language school and Department of Education and Training (Department) to educate or support your child, or to fulfil legal obligations including duty of care, anti-discrimination law and occupational health and safety law. The information collected will not be disclosed beyond the Department without your consent, unless such disclosure is lawful. For more about information-sharing and privacy, see the Department’s privacy policy at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/Pages/privacy.aspx* Please select...I have read and understood Information validity I confirm that the information provided on this enrolment form is true and correct and I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of enrolment accompanying this enrolment form. I consent to: • the collection of my child’s health and personal information by the community language school; • the community language school disclosing my child’s personal information contained in this enrolment form to the Department of Education and Training for data verification and funding purposes; • the Principal or teacher (where the Principal or teacher in charge is unable to contact me) to administer such first aid to my child as the Principal or staff member may consider to be reasonably necessary including disclosing personal and health information to professional third parties in the event of a medical emergency.* Please select...Yes, I Do AgreeNo, I don't agree Privacy Collection Notice - Protecting your privacy and sharing information* Parent/Guardian Privacy Consent and Declaration* Submit