Last year the Bocskai Hall gave home to the first face-to-face Bookworm Competition – and the second Bookworm Competition in Melbourne. Based on the feedback of the participants and their families and teachers, the organisers – teachers of Bocskai Hungarian School and Regnum Suli – decided to give it another go.
The competition will take place on the 7th October, Saturday from 3pm at the Bocskai Hall, at 121-123 St Georges Rd, North Fitzroy.
Just like in previous years, the afternoon will be filled with fun activities, and winners will take home awards, and all participants some bookworm-memorabilia. To participate at the competition, participants register and read a book.
The participants can enter in three age categories:
We invite all Hungarian children of Melbourne between the age of 5 and 17 to enter the competition. To enter the competition, please, fill in an online registration form for your child/ren.
To finalise your registration, please, transfer $20 registration fee per participant to the following account: Account name: Bocskai Hungarian School BSB: 033 057; ACC: 487 340 [reference: [participant(s) surname + konyvmoly]. Example: [feketekonyvmoly]
You can access the registration form, read more about the books and download them from the competition’s site: